Monday 22 March 2021

March New Release Part 2

 How are you all? Wow March is just flying by isn't it! And Spring is trying to sneak through in the UK. Hopefully the weather will make it better to be able to meet up with friends and family when we are allowed too. I hope you are all doing ok however this strange time is treating you. 

So without further ado - we have new images - WHOOP WHOOP!! 
And they are now available for you to buy right now in the Etsy Store.

 Dress up 

Little Camp 

Best Mummy

And here are how some of the fabulous Design Team at All Dressed Up have used these beautiful images using - 

Carole  using Dressed Up

Pam using Best Mummy
Don't forget we have two challenges running right now - 
which runs from 15th of each month to the eve of the 14th the next month and it's always "Anything Goes with an All Dressed Up Image"
March Facebook Challenge 
This runs from the beginning of the month and runs for the whole month. This has a different theme each month and the current theme is "Cute Critters"
The only thing we ask is that you MUST use an All Dressed Up Image. 
Visit us again shortly for the winners of Feb Challenge and some more new releases in April which as gorgeous as always!! 
The Dressy Team

Monday 15 March 2021

March Challenge #115

 Hello Everyone! How are you doing? We are celebrating as our Facebook group has just reach 7000 Members! How amazing is that!! If you aren't in the group you can request to join it here - All Dressed Up Digital Stamps 

It is a great little group and there is a monthly challenge there too with a theme. For March the theme is Cute Critters. And just like the challenge here you MUST use an All Dressed Up Image. 

So its time for the March challenge to be launched and as always the theme here at All Dressed Up Stamps blog is always -

Anything goes with an ADU image

***Please remember your creations must use an
 All Dressed Up Image*
If you don't have any of our images yet, there are some fabulous freebies which you can find here. 
We would love you to use these to join in our challenges but please respect the rules by not sharing these images … simply tell your friends to come here so they can join in the fun too! 

So now its time to see what the amazing design team have created -

aNNie using Little Dancer 

N-Eva using summer blooms

Pam using Heart You

Marilyn using Fairy Mice

Carolyn using Piggy Back

 Aren't they all fantastic? 
The All Dressed Up team hope you will play along with us. You have until the evening of the 14th APRIL to enter a card on the link at the bottom of this post. As always we will be back on the 22nd with more new release inspiration. And don't forget that Facebook page that I've told you all about already. 
Make sure you visit the Etsy store to see all Wendy's gorgeous images and share them with so we can see what you all create. 
See you soon, 
The Dressy Girls
& Liz 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Sunday 14 March 2021

Winner of Challenges December #112 & January #113

 Good Afternoon - You know I swear I am losing months of time without even realising.... Right I am making a promise to do the Winners post in a timely manner because I appreciate it must be so frustrating to all those that entered. I have no justifiable excuses other than these strange times in lockdown are messing with my mind, mojo and momentum. I though lockdown would mean life at a slower pace but it seems to be the exact opposite. But enough of me - I hope each and every one of you are well and safe! 

So here we go with the winners of December #112 challenge & January #113 challenge. Apicked by for December #112  - 
No 15-Teresa - 
Congratulations! You can choose 3 images of your choice from the All Dressed Up Etsy Shop. Just email us at
You have also been picked by the DT as one of the top three! 

And the other top three as chosen but the Design team are  - 

Well Done everyone!

Now for winners of January #113 Challenge - 
Apicked by for January #112  - 

Congratulations! You can choose 3 images of your choice from the All Dressed Up Etsy Shop. Just email us at

And the top three as picked by the Design Team are  - 

Don't forget to ask for your winners Badges as well as I always miss sending it with the chosen images... 
We have two challenges running at the moment that we would love to see you join in with - 
This runs till the evening of the 14th each month and is always an 
"Anything goes with a ADU image" theme. 
We also have the All Dressed Up facebook group with a challenge running from the first of the month till the end of the month. The theme for March is Cute Critters - and don't forget you can use the same creation to enter the Blog challenge too! 
Thank you so much to all those that entered and enjoy creating with All Dressed Up Images. We do truly appreciate you using these images in your crafting and taking the time to colour them so wonderfully and sharing for us to see. We love them!
We are all looking forward to seeing what you create. 

Liz (:(|)x 
& The Dressie Team 

Sunday 7 March 2021

March New Release Part 1

 Hello Dressies. 

How are you all? So in the UK we have bit of a plan to come out of lock down - fingers crossed we will get to enjoy the summer with friends and family. I hope you are all doing ok however this strange time is treating you. 
So without further ado - we have new images - WHOOP WHOOP!! 
And they are now available for you to buy right now in the Etsy Store.

 Dress up 

Little Camp 

Best Mummy

And here are how some of the fabulous Design Team at All Dressed Up have used these beautiful images using - 

Neva using Little Camp

Don't forget we have two challenges running right now - 

February Blog Challenge 
which runs from 15th of each month to the eve of the 14th the next month and it's always "Anything Goes with an All Dressed Up Image"
March Facebook Challenge 
This runs from the beginning of the month and runs for the whole month. This has a different theme each month and the current theme is "Cute Critters"
The only thing we ask is that you MUST use an All Dressed Up Image. 
Visit us again on the 15th for the new Challenge launch and there will be more fabulous makes from our Super-talented Design Team using these new releases right here on the 22nd.
The Dressy Team