Tuesday, 15 August 2023

August 2023 Challenge #143

Welcome to the August Challenge at All Dressed Up.

As always for our challenges you must use an All Dressed Up Image - but you don't have a theme - its always anything goes .

***Please remember your creations must use an
 All Dressed Up Image***

If you don't have any of our images yet, there are loads of fabulous freebies
 which you can find here. 

We would love you to use these to join in our challenges but please respect the rules by not sharing these images … simply tell your friends to come here so they can join in the fun too! 

So let's see the beauties created by the design team.....

Carole using Crown of Hearts

Carolyn using COMING SOON

Fab creations as always for our amazing little design team!

This challenge will run until just before midnight on 14th of the month. 

The All Dressed Up facebook group challenge runs from the first of the month till the end of the month. The current theme for August is Your Favourite Things

See you back here for the winners and showcase of the new releases on 7th September.

Andrea & The Dressy Girls 


Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Winners Post June 12023 #141

Welcome back to find out who has been selected as the June Winners #141. We used Random to pick the winner from the entries that used an All Dressed Up Image. 
SO....... June's winner is..... 

#8 Michelle B

Please email us at alldressedupsponsorship@gmail.com to claim your prize

 AND now for our top three picks!  Your badge is on the blog page at the left hand side :)

#4 Maryann Scrap 

#14 Bernadet

#18 Susan Sudbury

Don't forget to share your creations with us. We have a blog challenge running until the 15th of the month.
This is always an "Anything goes with a ADU image" theme. But if you create for the Facebook themed challenge - you can enter it to the blog challenge too - two shots at the prize!! 
The All Dressed Up facebook group challenge runs from the first of the month till the end of the month. The current theme for August is "YOUR FAVOURITE THINGS" 

Andrea & The Dressy Girls 
