Tuesday, 22 November 2022

New release November part 2

   Hello Dressies, 

Its time for the second showcase of the November new releases. I'm late cos I've been to see the Behavourist with one of my dogs. He's a rescue and really struggles with anxiety and is agrophobic at times so we are trying to build his confidence.  

So I won't make you wait a moment longer!! 

All for these new images are available for you to create with from over at the All Dressed Up shop on Etsy Just click on the link and it will take you straight to the home page. 

Acorn Fairy 

And now for the fabulous inspiration from the team... 

 using Cafe

Carolyn using Santa Post

AuntySue using Acorn Fairy

Don't forget to enter what you create into our challenges - We have a blog challenge running until the 15th of the month. This is always an "Anything goes with a ADU image" theme. But if you create for the Facebook themed challenge - you can enter it to the blog challenge too - two shots at the prize!! 
The All Dressed Up facebook group challenge runs from the first of the month till the end of the month. The current theme for November is SEASON's GREETINGS (Doesn't specify which season though hey!) 

See you back here soon for some more new releases for December! 

Liz (:(|)x & The Dressie Team 


Tuesday, 15 November 2022

November Challenge #134

 Evening All - I am having a bad day... everything is going wrong and the washing machine is leaking and i would like to stop adulting now so as soon as this blog challenge is posted I am going to get me a glass of wine and do something crafty to de-stress!! 

 So lets crack on with the November Challenge.... 

As always for our challenges you must use an All Dressed Up Image - but you don't have a theme - its always anything goes .

***Please remember your creations must use an
 All Dressed Up Image***
If you don't have any of our images yet, there are loads of fabulous freebies which you can find here. 
We would love you to use these to join in our challenges but please respect the rules by not sharing these images … simply tell your friends to come here so they can join in the fun too! 

So here are the design team with there fantastic new Inspiration... 

 aNNie using Toad stall

Neva  using Rocking Horse 


Carole using Mistletoe Kisses

Auntysue using  -

Rose using  -

Stacey using -"Coming soon"

Hope you love all the new cards. Don't forget to share your new creations with us. 

This new challenge will run until midnight on 14th December. But don't forget there is also the All Dressed Up facebook group challenge runs from the first of the month till the end of the month. The current theme for November is Seasons Greetings 

See you back here on 22nd for more inspiration using the new release images.

Liz (:(|)x & The Dressie Team

Monday, 7 November 2022

New release part 1 November

  Hello Dressies, 

Welcome to the new release post for November and they are just perfect for the seasons!  If your not quite ready to go all out Christmas just yet or maybe you're done with all your Christmas crafting... to those people.... I need you to rub off on me!!!  

All for these new images are available for you to create with from over at the All Dressed Up shop on Etsy Just click on the link and it will take you straight to the home page. 

So time to see what Wendy has created for us this month... 

Acorn Fairy 

Rose using Cafe


Don't forget to enter what you create into our challenges - We have a blog challenge running until the 15th of the month. This is always an "Anything goes with a ADU image" theme. But if you create for the Facebook themed challenge - you can enter it to the blog challenge too - two shots at the prize!! 
The All Dressed Up facebook group challenge runs from the first of the month till the end of the month. The current theme for November is SEASON's GREETINGS (Doesn't specify which season though hey!) 

See you back here soon for the new Challenge on the 15th. 

Liz (:(|)x & The Dressie Team 


Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Winners Post September #132

Welcome back to find out who has been selected as the September Winners #132 which has been picked using Random... 

No 16 Twórcze pasje Danki

Congratulations - You can choose 3 images of your choice from the All Dressed Up Etsy shop. Just email us at alldressedupstamps@gmail.com.

Thank you to everyone who entered the challenge, so now for the top three as chosen by the design team...  

#13 Rainey's Craft Room

#15 Sparkling Pink

#20 W bieli i zlocie

Don't forget to share your creations with us. We have a blog challenge running until the 15th of the month.
This is always an "Anything goes with a ADU image" theme. But if you create for the Facebook themed challenge - you can enter it to the blog challenge too - two shots at the prize!! 
The All Dressed Up facebook group challenge runs from the first of the month till the end of the month. The current theme for November is SEASON's GREETINGS 

See you back here soon for the new releases! 

Liz (:(|)x & The Dressie Team 
