Wednesday, 22 September 2021

New Release part 2 Sept 2021

 Hello - I have everything crossed that Blogger allows this post through first time... I have no idea what the issue was with the challenge and it was sooo frustrating!!! 

So you will have no doubt already checked out the new releases so here are some fabulous samples made by the amazing design team. 

I hope you will share with us your creations using these images in our challenges. 

Here are the new releases - 

Dogs in shades

Pam using Star

Carole  using Dude

Susan using Dude

 So don't forget we have challenges running all the time with the chance to win some lovely ADU images - you could even pick the new ones. 
 September Blog challenge #121 
which runs from 15th of each month to the eve of the 14th the next month and it's always "Anything Goes with an All Dressed Up Image"
This runs from the beginning of the month and runs for the whole month. This has a different theme each month and the current theme is "Winged things" - great for christmas cards or Halloween cards!   

Visit us again at the end of the month for the winners of August challenge #120

Take care & Stay safe
& The Dressie Team 

Sunday, 19 September 2021

#121 Challenge

 Hello Everyone! I am trying again with the September Challenge #121 post! I honestly don't know what was on the previous post that was so objectionable?!

We have some new faces on our Design team joining us for their first challenge. Please welcome Lorraine and Sue. Both have been great supporters of All Dressed Up and creating with the images so we are excited to have them alongside us at our little team.
 Why don't you pop over to their blogs as linked above there inspirational creations below and give them some love. 

So lets crack on with our 121st challenge! As always for our challenges you must use an All Dressed Up Image - but you don't have a theme - its always anything goes .

***Please remember your creations must use an
 All Dressed Up Image***
If you don't have any of our images yet, there are some fabulous freebies which you can find here. 
We would love you to use these to join in our challenges but please respect the rules by not sharing these images … simply tell your friends to come here so they can join in the fun too! 

We have such a super talented Design team !! 

Don't forget we also have a monthly challenge over at facebook and the theme is "Winged things"

Hopefully fingers crossed we will be back on the 22nd with more fabulous makes to show off the new releases.

Take care & Stay safe
Liz & Dressie Team 

Delays to Challenge #121

 Apologies for the delays to posting Challenge #121.  It's beyond our control unfortunately.  Something about failing community standards, yet there is nothing in the challenge post that we can find that does this.

Also we were told it was now ok and was published but Blogger haven't.

We're working on it and will have it with you as soon as we can

The Dressy Girls xox

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

New release part 1 September

Hello everyone - hope you have had a lovely day. We are enjoying some late summer sun here in the North West of England today. Honestly I think its the hottest day we've had all year. 

So its time for us to show you the latest new releases and Wendy has done some crackers (They always are!!)  I hope you will share with us your creations using these images in our challenges. 

Here are the new releases - 

Dogs in shades

Neva using Dude


So don't forget we have challenges running all the time with the chance to win some lovely ADU images - you could even pick the new ones. 

 August Blog challenge #120 
which runs from 15th of each month to the eve of the 14th the next month and it's always "Anything Goes with an All Dressed Up Image"
This runs from the beginning of the month and runs for the whole month. This has a different theme each month and the current theme is "Winged things" - great for christmas cards or Halloween cards!   

Visit us again on the 15th for the new Challenge launch and there will be more fabulous makes from our Super-talented Design Team using these new releases right here on the 22nd.

Take care & Stay safe
& The Dressie Team 

Monday, 6 September 2021

Winner July Challenge #119

Good Evening - I thought I had better pull my finger out and get the winners post out before the new releases tomorrow. I've had a headache all day today so I've put it off until I could wait no longer!! 

So its time for the winners of challenge #119 July as chosen by Random- 

Congratulations Tina  - You can choose 3 images of your choice from the All Dressed Up Etsy shop. Just email us at

So for the top three as chosen by the Design team -

No 15 Ginny 

No 27 Chris 

No 26 Sarah 

Well done everyone! All the entries were fabulous. We still have two challenges running at the moment that we would love to see you join in with - 

This runs till the evening of the 14th each month and is always an 
"Anything goes with a ADU image" theme. 
We also have the All Dressed Up facebook group with a challenge running from the first of the month till the end of the month. The theme for September is Winged things.  And don't forget you can use the same creation to enter the Blog challenge too! 
We love seeing how you use these images in your crafting and taking the time to colour them so wonderfully so keep sharing for us to see. 

Liz (:(|)x 
& The Dressie Team 